Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Sigg Jones

An awesome animation by 3 students from France - if you haven't seen any cool 3d ani for a while this is well worth watching, even at 7 minutes long. (In case anyone is not aware, 7 minutes is an obscene length of time for a 3d animation piece, even if there were 3 of them)... their website looks like this

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Rayguns in Wired magazine

Wired magazine has published a lovely article about the Weta Rayguns with brand new images here. Lovely...

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

They Only Come Out in Heels - Rantforfood

Here's another poster for RantForFood, check out the pitch - where surely, all hell will break loose!

Monday, May 07, 2007

rantforfood spoof movie pitches

Hey all, this is just a little rant for another little project of mine that I'm working on with a friend, it's a spoof movie ideas pitch blog, to be found here.

Users (that's you) submit their silliest ideas and we post 'em up. If your pitch is the raddest of rad myself, or my mate, will design a poster for it. Yay. If it's even radderer than that, we'll steal it and sell it as our own :)

This is a poster for one of my movie pitches involving Space Arabs, chrome dragons bad special effects.

So if you want a chance to have your stupidest idea in magnificent poster form, go check it out and submit something.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007